Rehab / Training

Rehab vs Training

When experiencing pain it can be difficult to understand the concept that moving more can be the best form of recovery, but in a lot of cases this is exactly what we need to do.  

At LD Movement we focus on recovery through movement and will always try to keep you in training as there is always something we can be doing.   

The exercises may not look exactly like the training you are used to. We will design movements specific to you and your capabilities, with the goal of getting you back to your desired goal as quickly as possible. 

Once we have designed a personalised exercise programme based on your Muscle Imbalance Assessment, training sessions will be used to review and refine your exercises or to progress your programmme. 

Athlete - Gym Goer

Have you hit a plateau in your training, do you have the same re-occurring injury that you cant get past, or would you just like to get stronger?

LD Movement will work with you to understand your goals and design these sessions around you. So what ever it is that needs to be worked on these sessions are designed specifically for you and your training needs.

Post Operative

LD Movement can help with post operative recovery and get you back to what you enjoy.

Once you have been medically discharged from hospital, we can begin to take a more detailed look at how you are moving. We will consider previous medical history and establish what you would like to achieve. 

The aim of the sessions will be to assess where you are at in terms of function since your surgery and expand the movements and exercises you have been doing, where possible, to make them more similar to the activity or sport you would like to return to.  

This will take place through a series of training sessions to get you back to the activity you enjoy and achieve your movement goals. 

Price: £55 per 1 hour rehab training session

Appointments are open to everyone. Get in touch via the details in the footer below