Golf Specific Assessment

Is your body holding you back from your golf swing?

This golf specific assessment consists of manageable golf specific movements, designed to see if a player has the mobility to get into each phase of the golf swing and stability and strength the get back out again. It will highlight areas of the body that can be improved on with targeted personalised golf specific exercises, leading to improved movement and muscle memory.

The outcome of the assessment can be:

1. A more powerful swing

2. Improved swing efficiency and consistency

3  A reduction in the likelihood of injury

I have assessed and worked with golf coaches and players who have achieved all of the above.


Golf Assessment results

This is Andy Paisley, the golf pro at Hexham golf club.

In Andy’s own words he has struggled to rotate in his back swing and through swing. He has historically struggled with too much lateral movement from his hips and not enough horizontal rotation with his pelvis.

Video 1 is Andy’s swing at the beginning of the assessment.

After carrying out the golf specific assessment with Andy it was evident that he had the mobility, but lacked the strength and stability in the left hip.

After doing specific exercises to engage his left lateral and posterior hip musculature he felt like he was “able to put the breaks on” to allow his pelvis to rotate.

Andy felt that he was moving differently after carrying out his specific exercises but this was a subconscious movement, he had more awareness of his left glutes and left foot which stopped his knee from sliding and allowed his left hip to rotate.

Video 2 shows Andy’s swing after carrying out his golf specific exercises.

Once he carried out prescribed exercises he gained strength and stability in the left hip and glutes which allowed his body to now use the musculature around the hip to rotate more effectively.

Andy’s swing speed went from 104 to 111mph within the session.